Friday, November 20, 2009

Marriage (Part 2)

Back to the going out thing. Mark introduced me to the girl accross the street, Rosalee.told me that I should take her out and show her how to have fun. So after him bugging me a bunch of times I did. We had a good time. Went to the Red House in Leesburg. Then she found out about a male review, her friend Bea told her about. So Bea, Rosalee, and I went. We had a real good time. I was always the DD. Cause I didn't drink. After that we befriended these dancers. Bobby the owner, Joel, Eddie, and Cody Lee. Bobby would call me when they were going to be around. I gave him and Cody my work number. Sometimes they would call me just to talk, and see how I was doing. Finally I got My friend Joan to go to a show so she could meet Cody. She had heard me talk about him alot. I don't believe she thought I was telling her the truth when I would tell her how hot he was, until that night when she saw him for the first time. He came into the bar came right over to me and kissed me square on the lips. After that he went into the back to get ready, she slugs me in the arm and says I can't believe you haven't f....d him yet. It's obvious he likes you. I said yeah I know but I'm married. She said to hell with Mark he's an asshole. I said can't do that. The first time I noticed Cody was when Rosalee and I went to see them. She had to leave the show early because of her son. She told me to talk to Cody and see if he could go out with us sometime outside of a show. So after that show we talked. We sat in the parking lot at Taco Bell and talked for 2 hours. Next thing I know he's kissing me. Finally I told him I couldn't and we needed to stop. I was petrified to tell Rosalee what happened. It took me 2 weeks. Once I did she was like heck girl don't worry. God was I relieved. Then when she saw him with me she said girl he has got it bad. I wasn't so sure. I still believe that he just used me because I was married and always wore my wedding ring. He knew I would never cheat on Mark. So therefore he was safe. If the girls were really bad he would cling to me. After a while Mark didn't like me going out anymore forbid to go out to any male reviews. He almost got arrested once for trying to drag me out from one. Finally on September 26 1998 I left him. There are so many other stories I could tell. I could actually have a sitcom about my life. Some of the things us girls did was wild. My divorce from Mark was final Feb. 17, 1998.