Saturday, September 26, 2009

My First Job

I had been looking for a job for quite a while. I didn't realize it would be so hard. People look at you different when you're handicapped. You have to prove your worth with everything you do. Finally I got a job @ the JM Murray Center as a payroll inventory controll clerk. It was a sheltered workshop for handicapped adults. But they knew right away that I didn't belong back in the workshop it's self. Even though I did the eval for it. I loved the job. Got to work with the clients too. But it was there that I met the first man I would be intimate with. His name was Ed. He looked like Beau Brady from Days of Our Lives. We dated for a while then he decided to get serious w/another girl so we broke it off. We still worked together but that was it. I moved into my first apartment while dating Ed w/my sister Cheryl. In a basement of a house in Cortland NY. It was cute cozy 190.00 a month. I decided if I was going to start having sex I had better take the pill I did not want any babies. My mom found out and was livid. I told her would she rather I do like Renee did or be smarter, then I said it was none of her business I had my own place and could do as I pleased. I met another guy named Mike while I was seeing a guy named Scott. Broke up w/Scott. Had to move back home. One night I decided to spend the night w/Mike. Went home the next day, my dad told me that if I was going to do stuff like that I could move out. So, I did. Me and a girl named Carry got a big 2 bdrm apt. Together. We worked together too. It was great. After about 8mths.Mike decides to brake up w/me. I was devestated. I tried everything to get him back. Well after a few months of moping. I decided to try the bar scene. Mean while I got rid of the glasses and got contacts and colored my hair a lighter blonde. After Mike I didn't date anyone serious for a couple years. Dated a couple local celebs. Dick D. and Martin F. but my main guy was Dave a lead singer in a local band. All the girls wanted Dave but to bad we had a good thing for a while. Had my own little goon squad. If Dave was out of town doin' a gig and me and my friend Joanne went out they were right there w/me. After a while I got sick of it though. I came into The Wiffle Tree my usual place, see Stoner (one of the squad) he kisses me on the cheek I notice this guy stairing @ me. We go sit down. The guy goes and talks to Stoner. After he's done I go over to Stoner and ask him who's the guy and what did he say. Stoner says that's Dave Finestein from The Rods he asked me who you were and if you were available. I told him your name and told him you were my best friends talent. Boy I went off. Broke it off w/Dave after that. Started doing a bowling league for the adults @ the w/shop on Saturdays. A guy named Mitch started working @ the shelter in the summer of 83. We started dating, he moved in w/me. My parents sell everthing and move to FL. in the spring of 84. Mitch and I lived together 8 mths. Till I decided to move to FL in the summer of 84. He did not want to move. So I quite my job and moved to FL. Leaving Mitch and the whole Cortland scene. On a side note remember Ed well he married the girl he left me for. After being married a couple years he came back to see me @ the Murray Center I had a new boss who new nothing about us. I asked Ed how married life was? He said" I work alot of hours." Repeatedly. After he left my boss says, what just happened here? I said I don't know what you mean. He said the electricity between you two. He said that guy is in love w/you. I said, oh well maybe he married the wrong girl. He said I'll say he did.

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